Hi there! I’m so glad you’re here.
Let me get right to it: I spent more than three decades searching for a way out of chronic depression and anxiety, only to discover that the answer was within me all along.
At the core of our pain is Disconnection: from ourselves, our truth, and our Inner Guidance System. That’s why I’ve made it my mission to guide you on the path BACK TO YOU, so you can reconnect with who you truly are and become everything you’re meant to be.
My dream for you is to realize how incredibly powerful you are. I want you to shine your light onto the world and create a life filled with joy, purpose, and fulfillment. Why? Because the world needs you.
A Journey Across Cultures and Healing
Born in Casablanca, raised in Paris, and now living in Copenhagen, I live and breathe culture. My first career was in Cultural Anthropology, but over the years, I’ve worn many hats. In addition to graduate degrees in the studies of Thought, Language, and Culture, I’ve been a Shamanic practitioner and healer for more than 20 years, a Clinical Hypnotherapist, and an Emotional Empowerment Coach.
Building on this foundation—and inspired by my own healing journey and those of my clients—I developed Authentic Reconnection, a holistic approach that integrates:
Proven scientific knowledge about how we create meaning in the world.
A deeply intuitive process of uncovering the wisdom hidden within you.
At its heart, my approach is about creating a safe, trusting relationship with yourself and reconnecting with the Universe in whatever form feels meaningful to you.
From Darkness to Light
At 40, I hit a breaking point. The daily struggle to stay alive felt unbearable, and I decided to give up. I resigned myself to the idea that this was my fate, my miserable reality.
But in that moment of surrender, something shifted. I began to see a flicker of light: my light.
What followed was the wildest adventure of my life: I discovered that every pain, every doubt, and every bit of suffering had an explanation. Most importantly, I realized that I had been holding the key to my own redemption all along. The wisdom and power I needed were already within me.
The Power of the Journey
Here’s one of the greatest lessons I’ve learned: There is no ON/OFF switch. There’s no definitive moment where you can say, “I’m healed now. I’ve arrived.”
In my endless search for the “final solution,” I was working against myself – constantly judging my progress and labeling myself as “broken.”
But the truth is, the journey itself is the destination. Every step you take unveils new levels of connection, healing, and self-discovery. This realization is what led me to the magical work I do today.
Why I Keep Moving Forward
I believe you can only guide others as far as you’ve gone yourself. That’s why I remain deeply committed to my own Reconnection journey. Every day, I discover more of who I am, embrace new levels of healing, and deepen my relationship with myself.
I do this not just for me, but for you – because I deeply care about my clients and feel it’s my responsibility to guide you as far as possible on your Reconnection journey.
You already hold the answers you seek. Let me help you uncover them.